An online debt collection agency is a company that helps businesses collect outstanding debt from consumers. These companies typically offer a variety of services, including debt validation and debt negotiation. Many also employ a range of technologies to improve their performance, such as skip tracing and artificial intelligence.
When you are eenmalig incassobureau inschakelen by a debt collector, be sure to request their name, company name, street address and callback number. This way, you can confirm that they are legitimate before providing any personal information. Additionally, debt collectors are required by law to send you a debt validation letter prior to collecting any funds. This will confirm if the debt is yours, how much you owe and other important details. If you are contacted for a debt that is not yours, do not admit to it and never pay a settlement without first getting legal advice. Doing so could void the statute of limitations and restart the clock on your debt.
Debt Collection in the Digital Age: How Online Agencies Maximize Recovery Rates
While debt collectors do work hard to recover debt, not all are honest and ethical. Scammers often pose as debt collection agencies to scare and intimidate borrowers. If you are contacted by someone that you suspect is a scammer, report them to the CFPB, the consumer protection bureau. While avoiding debt collection agencies won’t make your outstanding debt disappear, it can help you get control of your finances and avoid high-interest credit card debt. If you are struggling to manage your debt, consider a low-interest personal loan from SoFi.